Thursday, October 29, 2009


Why do I look up to the people I do? When reflecting on my personal icons in my life I can't help but see that they all vary on some level. I have role models in the fashion world, in the political sphere, in my personal life, and in academics. I hate to admit that some of my role models subconsciously are probably not the best people to respect on their overall lifestyle. I have tried to process this, and at this point I have come to this conclusion: each person I admire explains a certain aspect, part, passion, or piece of who I am. It speaks to the true complexity of me as a woman, and people as individuals.

Jackie O Kennedy for her ability to walk and set her own path in the midst of terror in her personal, political, and public life.
Sarah Jessica Parker for her fashion sense
Cody Martin for choosing to serve the LORD in Chaplaincy, while relating to young people right where they each need to be met
Katie Couric for her vision, intellect, and ability to articulate her words
Hillary Clinton for her ability to be a positive, female political figure, while receiving public criticism

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